Making Traditional Advertising Work For You

While many might tell you that print marketing is dead, the truth is that’s far from the case. Print media may no longer look like pages and pages of competing ads printed side-by-side in The New York Times like back in the ’90s, but it’s still an effective way to reach your potential audience as part of your overall marketing strategy.  

Utilizing media like magazines, brochures and pamphlets, business cards, and more can sometimes leave a stronger impression because it’s tangible and stands out in the crowded digital media landscape. It also can integrate with your digital strategy in a way that takes your campaigns to the next level.

In particular, at ES, we like to look at print marketing opportunities like: 

Direct Mail

Because this can be personalized and focused on recipients who truly meet your consumer demographics, direct mail can be extremely effective. Our marketing agency can manage the creative development of your DM campaign, as well as both purchased and internal lists you’d like to target. 


OOH advertising efforts encompass a wide variety of outdoor media, like billboards, wallscapes, and posters that people see while they’re out and about. Maybe it’s on a bus while they’re commuting to their job, or it’s a mobile billboard on the side of a truck. Our advertising services team will evaluate opportunities for any OOH effords and manage both placement and creative. 

Our Marketing Services

We run the gambit of solutions across the traditional media landscape, including:

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