We Hate to Brag

OK, so maybe we love to brag … but, we’re really proud of what we’ve accomplished, what we’ve built, and the work we’re doing. We hope you like the looks of it too!

We’ve put some of our research, case studies, and accolades below. Take a look, and then reach out to us. We’re looking forward to working with you!

Case Study #1 — Website Management


When reviewing the Lead Performance Report and monthly Website Management Report, ES identified an opportunity based on trends with Google to spend less on marketing overall yet yield more enrollments. The website converted leads at nearly 15%, compared to Paid Search converting around 9%, and Paid Social at 2%.


ES created a more aggressive monthly website management plan to improve rankings and increase keyword footprint by leveraging Google’s EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) metric.

Optimization highlights:

  • Expanded the program page content to 2000-2500 words and additional integrated keywords
  • More than tripled the monthly blog posts plan, each with a minimum length of 1,000 words and utilizing SME’s for each program
  • Introduced additional contact forms to maximize traffic-to-submission opportunities
  • Developed A/B testing plans based on heat-mapping analysis


  • Organic search traffic increased 14% YoY
  • Leads from the website increased 17% YoY
  • The Partner’s overall marketing budget decreased by 13% YOY, while enrollments grew 9%. (Note some programs were at capacity.)
Bar graph showing 17% increase in leads and 13$ decrease in budget

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In a brief discussion, we’re confident we can convert you from a prospective client into a satisfied partner

Case Study #2 — Paid Digital Campaign


A prospective partner approached us with concerns regarding increased spend but decreased results in their paid search campaign over the previous six months. CPCs had increased, click conversions had decreased, and overall cost per inquiries has increased by almost 40% from January of ’20 to January of ’21.


ES completed a full audit of the paid search campaign and outlined specific areas and opportunities for improvement.

Optimization highlights:

  • A thorough update of the negative keywords to ensure we were spending our marketing dollars in the most relevant manner
  • Gradually reduced reliance on broad-match keywords while increasing coverage of exact- and phrase-match keywords
  • Day-parting optimizations
  • Updated ad copy and landing page content to highlight our partner’s offerings and better align with their target audiences
  • Addressed ad strength and reviewed destination URL strategies for 1:1:1 content
  • Reviewed impression share metrics to create strategies for improvement


Since taking over the campaign in March of ’21, we have seen immediate improvement with the implementation of ES’s approach and the highlights listed above. Overall, we have been able to reduce their spend spend and align with overall market while increasing conversion and reducing the cost per inquiry.

Paid Search2021 Spend2022 SpendSpend Difference2021 Conversions2022 ConversionsConversion Difference2021 CPI2022 CPICPI Difference

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In a brief discussion, we’re confident we can convert you from a prospective client into a satisfied partner

Case Study #3 — Paid Social


An online school accepting students nationally has been running a paid social campaign for many years. They engaged with ES for a paid social audit to see if we could improve their current efforts handled by another agency. Their cost per lead was averaging $12.51. They also were dealing with the frustration and inefficiencies of a 20% invalid lead rate.


ES formed a paid social strategy that improved the creative assets and overhauled the targeting and audiences. Partnering with Meta, ES also was able to identify opportunities to decrease the number of invalid contact forms being submitted.

Optimization highlights:

  • New creative images and videos considered to be thumb-stoppers while scrolling on a mobile device were implemented
  • Creative strategy that varied by region was developed to better reflect target audience location regardless of being an online school
  • Frequent enrollment data was used to improve target audiences
  • Highly involved and frequent updates were performed to campaigns for an optimized performance


  • Inquiry cost decreased from $12.51 to $9.50 per lead (24%) after 60 days from taking over the paid social campaigns
  • The number of invalid inquiries was reduced in half, now averaging 8%-10% per month vs 18-21% previously
A bar graph showing a 24% decrease in CPL and a 55% decrease in invalid leads

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In a brief discussion, we’re confident we can convert you from a prospective client into a satisfied partner